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Business Directory of Connecticut. K & B CONSTRUCTION LLC ...

56 Rena Place, Fairfield, CT 06825

Industry:Custom Cabinets, Woodworking, Countertops, Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling

Doing business as:K & B Construction

Registration:Jul 24, 2013

Phone:(203) 520-6062

Description:2 employees. occasionally uses subs for plumbing, electrical, painting & ceramic-tile. cost is determined by the job. no travel charges. no service charges. may contact through email.

State ID:1113646

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Members (3):Basil Racheotes / Member 56 Rena Place, Fairfield, CT 06825 (Physical) Vicki Boudin / Member 400 Stillson Rd, Fairfield, CT 06825 (Mailing)
56 Rena Place, Fairfield, CT 06825 (Physical)
Alexander Racheotes / Member 56 Rena Place, Fairfield, CT 06825 (Physical)


Service area:Fairfield County

Free estimates:No


Open Hours:Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Stamford, CT

Doing business as:K & B Autoworks

Registration:Dec 23, 2010

Phone:(203) 504-8789

Addresses:117 Jefferson Street, Stamford, CT 06902 (Physical)
117A Jefferson St, Stamford, CT 06902

State ID:1023901

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Members (2):Pashirik Berisha / Member 117 Jefferson Street, Stamford, CT 06902 (Mailing)
50 Ledge Lane, Stamford, CT 06905 (Physical)
Kosove Berisha / President 117 Jefferson Street, Stamford, CT 06902 (Mailing)
50 Ledge Lane, Stamford, CT 06905 (Physical)

Categories:Auto Customizing Conversion & Restoration, Auto Service & Repair

2 Testa Place, Norwalk, CT 06854

Registration:Jun 5, 2014

State ID:1145063

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Fred Wilmot / Manager 2 Testa Place, Norwalk, CT 06854 (Mailing)
126 Highland Ave, Norwalk, CT 06853 (Physical)

Agent:Carl Ferraro 16 River St, Norwalk, CT 06850 (Mailing)
14 Horizon Court, Monroe, CT 06468 (Physical)

Bridgeport, CT

Registration:Jul 25, 2003

Addresses:264 Wade Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 (Physical)
11 Brookview Dr, Trumbull, CT 06611 (Mailing)

State ID:0755548

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Amy Chen / Member 264 Wade Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 (Mailing)
11 Brookview Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611 (Physical)

Agent:David L. Quatrella Quatrella & Rizio, Fairfield, CT 06824 (Mailing)
6 Pachaug Road, Trumbull, CT 06611 (Physical)

6 Farm River Drive, Northford, CT 06472

Industry:Carpentry Contractor

Registration:Jun 27, 2014

State ID:1147459

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Kevin Felten / Owner 6 Farm River Drive, Northford, CT 06472 (Mailing)

45 Williamsburg Cir, Guilford, CT 06437

Industry:Business Services at Non-Commercial Site

Member:Brian Clark / Principal

248 Spruce St, Manchester, CT 06040


Registration:Sep 27, 2000

State ID:0662307

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Kenneth Arthur Kaull  Managing / Member 248 Spruce St, Manchester, CT 06040 (Mailing)
101 Porter St, Manchester, CT 06040 (Physical)

Agent:Joseph R Bascetta 1233 Silas Deane Hwy, Wethersfield, CT 06109 (Mailing)
38 Farmwood Dr, Colchester, CT 06415 (Physical)

12 Westbrook Road, West Hartford, CT 06107


Registration:Aug 17, 2006

State ID:0870101

Business type:Domestic Limited Liability Company

Member:Jarrett Kravitz / Owner 12 Westbrook Road, West Hartford, CT 06107 (Mailing)

40 Graenest Ridge Rd, Wilton, CT 06897


Registration:Jan 11, 2006

State ID:0845500

Business type:Stock

Member:Liyun Ye / Manager 40 Graenest Ridge Rd, Wilton, CT 06897 (Mailing)

35 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897


Registration:Nov 8, 1982

State ID:0136104

Business type:Stock

Agent:Gerald M. Fox, Jr. Esq 607 Bedford St, Stamford, CT 06901 (Mailing)
57 Ocean Drive West, Stamford, CT 06902 (Physical)

14 Westview Trl, Danbury, CT 06812


Industry:Ret Computers/Software

Member:Kenneth Chu / Manager

Robert T Vonderkall, Hartford, CT 06114


Registration:Feb 7, 1967

State ID:0007643

Business type:Stock

Agent:Leonard I Shankman Esq 104 Asylum St, Hartford, CT (Mailing)
8 Old Flintlock Rd, Bloomfield, CT (Physical)

Thomas P Butler, Watertown, CT 06795


Registration:Mar 13, 1981

State ID:0115606

Business type:Stock

Agent:Emile J Koczur 32 Westbury Park Rd, Watertown, CT 06795 (Physical)

Peter Kassaris, Greenwich, CT 06830


Registration:Apr 30, 1980

State ID:0105339

Business type:Stock

Agent:Cameron F Hopper Esq 153 Mason St, Greenwich, CT 06830 (Mailing)
133 Taconic Rd, Greenwich, CT 06830 (Physical)